Fantastic beasts and where to find them

Biopremiär den 16 november 2016!
Äntligen lite mera magi!
J.K Rowling

Alan Rickman är död


Middag hos Harry Potter!

I år går det bra att fira Alla Hjärtans dag på Hogwarts! Biljetterna släpps onsdag den 13 januari. (Dyrt men coolt!)

Spend Valentine's weekend somewhere truly magical this February!

On Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th February we are hosting bewitching banquets especially for the occasion, where you will be greeted on arrival with welcome drinks and canapés (including a special 'Love Potion' cocktail) before taking your seats at individual tables for two on the authentic Great Hall set.

After enjoying a delicious three-course dinner (with drinks, a complimentary photo and assiette of desserts to share), you'll have the chance to explore the Studio Tour after hours. You'll receive a tankard of Butterbeer in the backlot cafe, a drink on Platform 9 3/4 , and after-dinner tea, coffee and chocolates by the Hogwarts castle model. To conclude your evening you will return to the Studio Tour lobby to collect your chosen wand.

Tickets are priced at £247.50 each, available to purchase in pairs for £495 from Wednesday 13th January. Booking details to follow at

21 Times “Harry Potter” Was The Cleverest Book Series Ever

J.K. Rowling tänkte på allt!     Läs här från BuzzFeed.

Gott Nytt År!

Gott Nytt År!
Harry Potter, Professor McGonagall och Hedvig

Harry Potter


Harry Potter

My first memory from Harry Potter is when my mom came home with the first Harry Potter movie. Me and my brother watched it all the time. We thought that it was so good.
Student 7fg

Harry Potter

I watched my first Harry Potter movie
when I was eight years old and
it was my mom who showed it to me.
My favourite characters are Hagrid and Ron.
I liked the first two movies but when we started
to watch the third movie with the werewolf
I was scared. Because of that I did not continue
to watch the other Harry Potter movies. One year later
I took up the movies again to watch them.
The Harry Potter movies are the best wizard movies I have watched
so far.
Best regards,
Student 7fg

My first memory of Harry Potter

My first memory of Harry Potter was a few years ago,when one in the class talked about Harry Potter! After that I watched a little at the first part of the movie.

Student 7fg

My first memory of Harry Potter

My first memory of Harry Potter was when I was 7 years old. It is from the film "Harry Potter and the prisoner from Azkaban". It was when the bus came to a playground and a black dog - Sirius Black - stared at Harry from a bush. Because I was so young I don´t remember more from that moment but later I have watched all the movies many times.
Student 7fg

Harry Potter

My first memory of Harry Potter is when they are at the train station. Hagrid leaves Harry there alone. Harry sees a family that talks about mugglers. He follows them and one of them runs into the wall and disappears, one after the other. Harry asks them how to get through the wall. and they learn him how. Then Harry runs at the wall and closes his eyes and the next second there's a big red train in front of him.
Elev 7fg

My first memory of Harry Potter

 My first memory of Harry Potter:
 I remember watching the first movie at my neighbour's house.
 Back then my favorite part of the movie was when they shopped the wand and owl.
 I also liked the quidditch, if that's how you spell it?
 When seeing it some years later you could see that the effects aren't all that great...
 I really think we should watch the next movie!
Student 7fg

Om saknaden efter Harry Potter blir stor!

Nu har det gått fem år sedan den sista Harry Potter-boken kom ut och ett år sedan sista filmen kom. Det kan kännas tomt! Här är i alla fall lite tröst: 50 minnesvärda ögonblick från filmerna. Se här. Det blir bra en regnig sommarnatt.


Nu är Pottermore öppet för alla och det går fint att registrera sig!

Ny bok av J. K. Rowling!

Den 27 september 2012 kommer en ny bok av J. K. Rowling!  Hon har bytt genre och förlag så detta är en vuxenbok som kommer att heta The Casual Vacancy. Den kommer att utspela sig i den lilla idylliska engelska byn Pagford där ett oväntat dödsfall inträffar. Bakom de snygga fasaderna utspelar sig mer eller mindre ett krig. Rowlings förlag Little, Brown beskriver boken som "full av överraskningar" och "svart komik".
På Rowlings hemsida kan man läsa mer om både den nya boken och Pottermore.

Memories of Harry Potter 3

My mum and dad gave me a Harry Potter book on Christmas Eve and I became very sad. I throw the book in a box and now it is lost.

Elev 8ef

Memories of Harry Potter 2

My first Harry Potter memory is when I was a little kid and my dad was reading for my big brother and me. We were lying in the bed and my dad was sitting on a chair reading. My brother was so happy and I didn't understand anything. My brother and my dad are still reading. They only have one book left to read.

Elev 8ef

Memories of Harry Potter 1

I recently had a nostalgic trip with Harry Potter. I watched the first movie again. The effects look so old! When I was little it looked so real but now it looks so fake! But it was fun to see them when they were small again. Now are they so 100 % serious, in the old movies they were joking and failing. Like that guy who blew up his face all time. Actually Harry Potter movies are just getting Worse. The last one was so bad only sad, serious ,sad and more sadness not a single joke in the whole movie. Only the action parts are good but that is not enough! The whole cosy feeling with Harry Potter movies are gone, old Harry Potter movies for the win!

Elev 8ef

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